Monday, September 21, 2015

ABO wallpaper - Happy September

- Mobile: 240x400 (Cookies) / 480x800 (Vega Racer, Optimus Black, Prada) / 960x800 (Galaxy S, Vega Racer 2) / 540x960 (QHD) / 1280x800 (Galaxy Note) / 1440x1280 (Nexus, Optimus LTE) / 768x1024 (iPad) / 320x480 (iPhone 3 / iPod) / 640x960 (iPhone 4 - 4s) / PSP / 620x1100(iPhone 5) / Galaxy S3
- Desktop: 800x600 / 1024x600 / 1024x768 / 1152x864 / 1280x720 / 1280x768 / 1280x800 / 1280x900 / 1280x1024 / 1366x768 / 1440x900 / 1600x900 / 1680x1050 / 1920x1080 / 1920x1200 / 2560x1400
Download here (Mega):
Or here (GG Drive):


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  3. guys
    this webtoon writer (Dong-Sun Park) is not just only joking or kidding through his cartoons

    he is one of typical south korean who make yuk and distgust prejuidice.. yeah he is one of the power man in south korea who is making ugly south korea...

    if you see the cartoons with more hard clear eyes,
    you'll can find

    "how he neglect blood type A people"

    he is not just only kidding or enjoying with blood type fun

    he is really tricky attacking blood type A people

    that mind hidden his comics

    he said
    he believe in blood type personality - when human born, their personality naturally decided by blood type

    he hate blood type A
    and i don't know what made him so

    i just think he is a real insane pain looser

    he is very danger, harmful to other people

    i think he must hospitalize in a mental hospital.

    he need to cure in there.

    in korea
    since long time ago
    so many people aleady upset by his ugly cartoon

    so many blood type A people claimed to him

    "this is a really bad thing.. your cartoon is very harmful for our life. we claim stop your cartoons"

    but he didn't listen to their opinions not so well
    he said it is just a joking so please don't blame

    rather he draw those people like that smack with a large hammer

    but every knows he does not just a joking or kidding...

    he sold this cartoon to japan

    made as animation but not success...

    now he trying again this cartoons publish over the world

    his truely plan is "destroy his hate blood type A people's all thing"

    he think blood type A personality has ugly and weak image
    so he draw them as ugly in the cartoons

    i don't know the korean words how much exactly rightly translated as other languages

    but if you know korean language
    and you read the korean versions,
    you will understand what i mean...

    yeah in korea
    he almost succeed make blood type A people's image and knowing as weak fools

    those effects applied to their life
    so many people attack blood type A

    they won those attacks
    but they're feeling so hard...

    he tried those trash to children

    he published the cartoons on child book

    i really care about blood type A child maybe will attacked by others...

    i really hope their precious childhood age is never spoiled by that ill mental looser...

    next he tried over the world...

    he testly upload his cartoons on his blog and seeing how world people's thingking is...

    if he get many good opinions
    then he will his cartoons publish over the world

    the world kids will maybe greet another prejudice ehen they start living their life...

    what a terribly
    the world people spoiled like ugly korean prejudice...

    he is not a just only webtooner for fun
    he trying to some spiritual terror..

    his blood type is O

    and a korean community find his star sign is "gemini"

    i think the blood type personality theory can't ignore perfectly,
    but that is just only one part of the human

    that is 10% to someone
    that is 35% to someone
    that is 100% to someone

    i hope all of we get off so many prejudices

    i am a also south korean
    but maybe unseen type - not white people worshiper, hate racism, see no whatever a country is rich advanced or not...

    i'm really sorry for my poor english
    but i believe everyyou knows what i mean not so difficulty...

  4. مظلات سيارات متحركة مظلات متحركة بالريموت لتسهيل الاستخدام

    أجدد أنظمة مظلات للسيارات متحركة تم تنفيذها بواسطة كوادر محترفة فى مجال صناعة المظلات الأتوماتيكية حيث تمتاز المظلات المتحركة بإمكانية إستعمالها على مدار العام وتناسب للتركيب المناطق الخارجية المفتوحة.

    مظلات كهربائية متحركة
    متخصصون فى توفير أفضل صناعات مظلات كهربائية متحركة من أجود أنواع القماش العازل للحرارة والرطوبة.

    -تمتاز المظلات المتحركة بإمكانية تركيب إضاءة LED بالسقف الخاص بالمظلة المتحركة.

    -تحتوي المظلات المتحركة على نظام متكامل يسمح بتصريف المياه.

    -تحتوي المظلات المتحركة على محكات يمكن التحكم فيها بالريموت عن بعد.

    مظلات متحركة مكة والدمام

    نتواجد فى مكة والدمام والرياض لتركيب مظلات متحركة في مكة والدمام بأعلي المواصفات وتشمل:

    1-تحتوي أنظمة المظلات المتحركة على خاصية الفتح والغلق الأوتوماتيكي.

    2-ضمان 5 سنوات على المحركات.

    3-تحتوي أنظمة المظلات المتحركة على منظومة شد وتجميع للقماش مزود بالغطاء.

    4-أقمشة المظلات المتحركة من أفضل نوعيات مظلات قماش أسباني وألماني مضادة للحريق.

    لمشاهدة أجدد أنظمة مظلات متحركة للمحلات ومظلات متحركة للسيارات والحدائق يمكنك زيارة الرابط التالي

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