Monday, January 28, 2013

The meaning of flower

Guys, this is the new comic, however it isn't translated by me, I collected it from my friend's Facebook. Note, from now on, if any comic which is translated by me will has the credit on file.


  1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you :D

    Keep the good work, dude (or sista?) :p

  2. Always love your comics since one year ago. Its really2 funny :D

  3. Where is the original site? Please put the links or copyright disclaimer on the sidebar

  4. lol.. O so true.. when i read the second panel, 'love to death' is instantaneously came out of my mind.. although i found it cheesy rather than romantic.

  5. B first come to the mind. but then I am more like AB afterthought

  6. LOL, im type B and my sister thinks all her dreams have a meaning; so yeah one day i told her "not every dream has to have a meaning, you just dream that last night, that's it"

  7. طريقة كشف تسربات المياه
    تسربات المياه قلق كبير للكثير من الناس نظراً لمدى الضرر الذى يلحق بالمبانى جراء تلك التسربات .
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  8. Where is the original site? Please put the links or copyright disclaimer on the sidebar
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